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Saab Racing Alaska provides services to assist the Saab Community in any endeavor possible.

Tech 2 Services

GM tech 2 diagnostic tool for Saab engines, Saab racing alaska.

The Tech 2 scan tool is an OEM tool used by GM/Saab from the late 90s to their end in 2011. Nowadays a Tech 2 is very sought after. This tool lets you read the OBDII port for diagnostics, read, and program keys, enable/disable settings like security or troublesome modules. Want to change what your info display says? Your going to need a Tech 2. 

Saab Racing Club of Alaska owns one, and is offering services involving each aspect of the Tech 2’s capabilities.


Pre-Purchase Inspections

I didn’t know anything about these cars when I purchased my first Saab. I would have really liked if someone could meet me at go over the issues that I wasn’t aware could be a problem. Luckily, we know now what to look for and how to judge the overall condition of the Saab in question. Depending on the model, common faults change. A classic 900 model typically has finnicky headlights, vacuum leaks, and other issues typical in older cars. Whatever the case, we have your back! 

Red saab 900 base, anchorage alaska
New generation saab 9-3 and 9-5 key examples, Saab racing alaska

Keys and Programming

One of the biggest pain points for owners, especially those  with post 1996 models. If the security system was installed in the car, all new keys must be programmed using the Tech 2 scan tool. The keys we use are different enough that no one in my local area carries them regularly. And even then, they dont have the ability to accurately cut via VIN number.

Diagnostic Service

Is your Saab running rough? Bad idle? Misfire? These issues and more are reasons to get your Saab plugged into a Tech 2. With high accuracy we can idetify the reported issue and create a plan to resolve it. 

saab 900 manual transmission number plate

Basic Mechanical


Tire & Lube

While nearly every shop in the area is capable of doing tire and fluid changes, we want to open that space up as well. We know the changeover season is busy and chaotic, with wait times for an appointments being up to a month long at some shops. 

Belts Cooling and Other

There are many possible options when it comes to what can be fixed on a vehicle. In my opinion, Saabs are fairly simple. 

  • Brakes/Rotors
  • Gasket Replacements
  • Bushings Replacement
  • Engine related fixes (Fuel Injectors, internals, rod bearings etc…)

Soft Services


Soft Services are what I consider any other service that doesn’t require us to turn a wrench or use special equipment. We dont charge much for these, and Club Members get these services for free. 

saab 900s anchorage alaska

Roadside Assistance (No Recovery or Towing)

Until the Saab rescue vehicle is fully operational, we will not be able to offer towing services. However, we do offer on-call jump-starts and lockout assistance. If needed, we will flat-tow your vehicle to the nearest open parking lot. (NOTICE: Availibility may very for on-call staff)

Saab Training & Workshops

A lot of Saab owners are self suffient when it comes to working on our cars. This is also in part due to the lack of Saab mechanic shops accross the US. In Alaska, this sentiment is still very true. Its understood that Alaskans like to be independant and work on their own stuff if given the chance. Its also an opportunity to learn about the history and unique engineering of Saab.

Trionic 5 Conversion Kit Via Modern Classic Saab
Trionic 5 Conversion Kit Via Modern Classic Saab

Saab Appraisals

Insurance companies, dealerships, and locals all use appraisals to determine the value of your Saab. In Alaska if the vehicle you are purchasing does not come with a title, you can get a bond to keep the car for 3 years. After that time, you get your new title. An appraisal is a key step into getting that process taken care of. 

Appraisals also let insurance companies know how much to insure the vehicle for and how much compensation you should get in the event of an accident. With that, many insurance companies dont understand the difference between trims, and special editions. They may not know that the 2.0T is more sought after than the 2.3T, and the 2.8L v6 is another rare and sought after model, but insurance companies may just give you enough for a base model. Not fun.

Saab Restoration Consultation

Your project car is your baby. Taking care of it can be a lot of work. Especially if your project is a 40 year old classic with rust and other issues. Here at Saab Racing Club of Alaska, we take pride in continuing to keep these beloved cars on the road. 

We offer consultations for your restoration project which include tips, tricks, suppliers for parts, and more. 

Blue saab 900 turbo in anchorage alaska, saab racing alaska

Performance Services (Coming Soon)

Did you know Saabs go fast?

Saab made its mark during the height of Automotive Racing in the 20th century. Rally, track, time-attack, you name it. Saab has the engineering and the power to take you to first place.

We offer services ranging from simple bolt-on mods, all the way to high performance tuning and engine rebuilds. This sort of service is available to all members of the public, with club members receiving discounts, and RaceTeam members essentially get it for free. (Parts are not free guys and gals)

Stock engines can easily hit 300hp – 450hp with some modifications made to non-internals (transmission is usually one of the common changes once you start acheiving high power).

Trionic Tuning, especially before the introduction of OBDII ports is a little complicated but well worth getting the setup started. Once you get to that point its all about learning to tune and reading your ECU properly. This is done using T5 Suite, a tuning software made specifically for the Trionic 5 system.